DIY Angry Birds Necklace

DIY Angry Bird Necklaces

Does your child have a favorite Angry Bird character? Whether they root for the birds or the pigs, they can make one of these fun angry bird necklaces. They don’t have to limit their crafting to just one chracter — offer them a variety of the supplies I recommend and let them make as many as they want.

Start out by gathering together these supplies:

  • Pom-poms
  • Pony Beads
  • Felt
  • Google Eyes
  • Chenille Stems
  • Feathers
  • E Beads
  • Cording, Thin Ribbon, or Yarn
  • Craft Glue or Hot Glue Sticks

Then grab these craft tools:

  • Scissors
  • Hot GLue Gun (optional)

Have your child pick out a pom-pom that is the same color as their favorite Angry Birds character. As you can tell by looking at the picture, I decided to make Red the bird and King Pig.

Find a picture of your child’s favorite characters and then have them use it as a guide. Felt can be used for beaks, stomachs, and other details. Chenille stem pieces make great eyeborws, and the perfect topping for a bird is a feather!

I started off with a red pom-pom to make my Red bird. I cut a beige circle from felt and glued it under the bird for its stomach, and I used orange felt for the beak. I glued on two google eyes and glued eyebrows (cut from a piece from a black chenille stem and bent into a V shape) right above them. I then glued a small, red feather to the top of his head.

For the King Pig, I selected 3 green pom-pom — a larger one for the head and two tiny ones for the ears. If you don’t have tiny pom-poms, you can cut the ears out of felt. I cut an oval out of green felt to be the snout and a crown out of yellow felt. After gluing on the snout and ears, I glued on small, black beads. Don’t forget the google eyes!

To transform then characters into necklaces (or even bracelets if you prefer), all you need is a pony bead and a piece of cording, thin ribbon, or yarn.

Glue the pony bead to the top, back of the bird or pig’s head. Make sure the holes are not blocked and should be lined up with the sides of the pom-pom head.

DIY Angry Bird Necklaces beads

Let the glue dry (or cool if you are using hot glue) and then you can string your cording, ribbon, or yarn through the holes.

Your angry bird necklace is now ready to wear.