Happy Leon Day

Happy Noel DayYou may not be thinking of Christmas today, but it is a great day to do just that because it is Leon Day…  What is Leon Day? Leon is Noel spelled backwards and noel is another word for Christmas.

Why is June 25th Leon Day? It is because it is the halfway mark both until and since Christmas. It has now been 6 months since last Christmas and it is 6 months until next Christmas.

This also means there are only 182 crafting days left until Christmas. Now is the perfect time to start working on homemade decorations and gifts. If you start working on all your projects now, you just might be done by the time Christmas rolls around (or, if you are like me, the more get done the more you try to do).

During what can sometimes be long days of summer, when it is too hot to go outside or the kids are bored, pull out the craft supplies and get to work. Your family can spend quality time together making Christmas tree ornaments, personalized gifts, and even colorful wrapping paper.

Personally, I am thinking of starting to make Christmas cards. I always intend on sending homemade cards every year but I usually end up running out of time.  If I start now, I just might get my cards in the mail before Christmas eve.

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