Simple Sunshine Craft

Crafts don’t have to be complicated… Sometimes simple is better, like this simple sunshine craft!

Simple Sunshine Craft

In honor of the first official day of summer, why not gather together the kids and have them make one of these paper plate and handprint suns. You need only a few basic supplies and a little time.

Supplies Needed to Make a Simple Sunshine Craft:

  • Paper Plate
  • Yellow and Black Paint
  • Yellow Construction Paper
  • Craft Glue

Tools Needed:

  • Paint Brush
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Scissors

Paint the top of the paper plate yellow. Let the paint dry. If you prefer, you can paint the backside of the paper plate instead. Once the yellow paint in dry, use black paint to add a face to your sun.

While the paint is drying, trace your child’s hand several times. The number of handprints you will need may vary depending on how large the hands are. I would suggest starting out with 8. Lay them around the plate to see how they will fit. Add more or take away some if necessary.

Glue the handprints to the back of the painted plate and let the glue dry. The sun is now done! Hang it up in a window so you can see the sun even on a cloudy day.