DIY Relaxing Bath Salts

For Mother’s Day, instead of giving your mom something that will sit on a shelf or get lost in the back of a drawer, why not make her something she can use anytime she wants to relax.

DIY Relaxing Bath Salts

Gather together some supplies from your kitchen and whip up a batch or two of relaxing bath salts to package up for her, a grandma, or any other special gals on your list. You might even want to mix up an extra batch for yourself!

Supplies Needed to Make Bath Salts:

  • 2 Cup Epsom Salts
  • 1 Cup Course Sea Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
  • Essential Oils
  • Food Coloring (Optional)
  • Mason Jar
  • Ribbon

Tools Needed:

  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Scissors

Pour the Epsom salt, the sea salt, and the baking soda into a large bowl and mix it well. Put in a few drops of the essential oil of your choice and then mix well. Add a few more drops and mix well. Continue this until you add about 12 drops of essential oil. Of course, you can add more or less if you like. If you aren’t sure what kind of essential oil to use, consult this list. Personally, I like lavender. If you would rather not use any essential oil, that is fine too.

Once you have all the oil mixed in, you can add some color to the bath salts. Do this in the same manner you added the oil. Add a few drops at a time and mix well. Repeat this until your bath salts are the desired color. Don’t go too overboard on the color… After all, it is food coloring and someone will be soaking their body in it!

Keep mixing your bath salts until there is little to no clumping. Spoon the mixture into a mason jar and twist the cap on so it is sealed lightly. Top or off by tying a couple pieces of ribbon around the top and then you can even print out this gift tag (the printed size should be 3″ x 3″). Cut it out, punch a hole in it, and thread it onto one of the ribbons.

relaxing mothers day printable
Who wouldn’t love to get a gift like this?