Sorry if you came to this page looking for directions about how to make a personalized collar for your pet. The collar I am referring to in this post is called a Malibu Collar and it is for me — unfortunately.
Today, I am having neck surgery. To make a long story short, I have two degenerative disks in my neck that are bulging and pinching the nerves… This is causing me a LOT of pain in my shoulder, arm, hand, and neck. My spine surgeon is going to remove the two bad disks and put in a donor bone to hopefully fuse with the bones that are there. Because of this surgery, the Malibu collar collar will be my “favorite” accessory for about a month.
Of course, I couldn’t just wear a plain collar so I decided to jazz it up a little bit! I dug through my stickers and found some I thought would work and I am happy with what I came up with, what do you think of it?
Because of my surgery, I won’t be online, or posting, as often as usual, so please be patient with me as I recover! For all those who have asked or who are wondering, if you would like to help out while I am away, I suggest picking a few of your favorite posts and sharing them with all of your friends via Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc! Thanks! You can also use these links to say hi to me, or the comments below!
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