I am so excited about these products which I recently discovered from Scotch… I am talking about Scotch Chalkboard Tape (affiliate link) and Scotch Dry Erase Tape
(affiliate link). Have you seen them?
As a crafter, I am looking forward to creating something with them, and soon! Perhaps I should peruse my round up of crafts made using chalkboard paint and see if there is something there I could modify to use with the tape.
Not only do I love crafting, I love organizing and I can see a lot of potential for both of these when it comes to organizing just about anything. The tape could easily be used to label anything in your home or to write daily messages and reminders. Do you agree?
Now I am looking for your suggestions… What do you think I should use either one of these — or both — for? Perhaps a creative way to organize household, school, or craft supplies? Maybe a unique way to personalize something?
Disclosure: Rolls of chalkboard and dry erase tape were given to me to try. No further compensation was given and all opinions expressed and project created are my own. As noted above, this post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure policy for details.