These 12 Days of Christmas printable tags were originally posted by me on the Family Crafts site at About-Dot-Com, and it has recently come to my attention that there no longer seems to be an easy way to save or print them. For this reason, I am posting them here for you to download and print.
I am sharing each tag image individually, and I also resized them a little so you can download six on one page, either in a PDF or JPG format (scroll down to the bottom of the page to find these files).
These silly gifts would be great to give to a neighbor, co-worker, or anyone else you want to spread a little bit of Christmas cheer to. Simply give one of these 12 Days of Christmas printable tags with the suggested — silly — gift each day starting about 12 days before Christmas! Simple and Easy as that! Try to find a sneaky way to give these gifts so they don’t know who is giving it to them!
Leave this printable tag along one fresh pear or even a can of pears.
With this printable tag, include some two turtle candies and a bar of Dove brand soap!
So, while it might seem a little gruesome, leave them the printed tag along with a can of chicken noodle soup, cream of chicken soup, and chicken and rice soup (or something similar).
For this day, leave the printable tag along with 4 notes… On each note write down one thing that is special about the person you are giving them to. This will brighten even the worst day!
Print out the tag above and attach it to a can of pineapple rings.
Give this sixth day of Christmas tag along with a half a dozen eggs. If you really want to be a stinker, you can hard boil the eggs!
Tie this tag onto a package of bubble bath.
This printable tag should accompany a small carton of chocolate milk. If it is warm where you are, and the person whom you are giving it to might not find it right away, place the chocolate milk in a large, zip-top bag that is half-full of ice.
Bundle this tag up with 9 candy canes.
This tag can be attached to a tube of soothing muscle cream, such as Icy Hot or Ben-Gay.
Give this printable tag along with a bubble pipe and bottle of blowing bubbles. (It might be hard for some to find at this time of year, so here is what I found on Amazon that might be helpful: Bubble Pipe Set
(affiliate link)
For the twelfth day of Christmas, fill a tin (drum) with homemade holiday treats or something else your gift recipient will enjoy! Present it to them personally, and wish them a very merry Christmas!
As I mentioned above, you can print out each tag individually, or download these two pages. Enjoy!

Disclosure: As noted above, this post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure policy for details.
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