Tag: free printable

4 Printable Thanksgiving Play Dough Mats

How to Make Thanskgiving PLay Dough Mats 150

Kids love playing with clay, but sometimes they get bored quickly because they don’t know what to make out of it. These printable Thanksgiving play dough mats will help to solve that dilemma. Choose from 4 different designs — a…

20 Free Printable Lunch Box Notes and Jokes

These printable lunch box notes and jokes are a great way to brighten your kids’ day! Even older kids who might normally be embarrassed by any show of affection will (secretly) be thrilled when they dig into their lunch and…

I {heart} the Earth Printable Craft


You can let your kids show everyone how much they love the Earth by printing out these activity sheets and having them write down good ways to help the environment.  They can be ways to conserve energy, ways to recycle,…

DIY I Spy Travel Game with Free Printable

DIY I Spy Travel Game 150

Next time you are planning a long road trip with the family, consider making a set of these DIY I Spy travel games. Not only will it help keep the kids occupied, it will help start your family vacation off…

Mother’s Day Printable Coupons


Mother’s Day will be here in less than a week. Have you found the perfect gift for mom yet? How about one for your grandma? If you don’t have time to make one of these homemade gifts, check out these…

Hearts Printable Valentines

Hearts Printable Valentines 150

Whether you waited until the last minute to find Valentine’s Day cards for your child’s classroom or you just want to save some money, these printable Valentine’s Day cards featuring heart designs might be just what you need. This collection…