Jumbo Clothespin Magnet

Jumbo  Clothespin Magnet Craft 150

I wish I could say I made this refrigerator magnet clip to help organize my life; but, honestly, I just really wanted to make something out of the cool, jumbo-sized clothespin I couldn’t resist buying on my last trip to…

My Monopoly Game

My Monopoly 150

I think it is safe to say most people have played Monopoly board game (affiliate link); after all, it is been around for almost 80 years. I know I have many fond memories of friends and family gathering around and…

Win a My Monopoly Game

Enter to Win My Monopoly 150

UPDATED: This contest is over and the winning name has been randomly picked… Congrats to David Lintz! Please check your email for a message from me and email me your mailing address and I will get the game sent off…

Mustache Ghost Garland

Mustached Ghost Garland 150

Okay, so maybe I had a little too much fun making my Silly ‘Stache Jars, but I just couldn’t resist adding mustaches to these glittery ghosts. Then, in my crafty mind, the next logical step was to glue the ghosts…